Tuesday, December 23, 2014


GLOOMY! The day before Christmas is gloomy. I wanted to avoid writing anything about negative things but my energy is really low today. My heart feels heavy- it thinks that it's sad. But I know I am not. There's no reason to be sad. Darn you female hormones! You know how it is when this monthly visitor comes to visit. It ruins your mood and probably your outfit! Arggghh

While everyone is exited about the holiday, I want to be in bed. When I wake up (I imagine) I have coffee that is prepared the way that I always wanted it to be and pancakes. I want to cuddle with someone. I want to be in my underwear. I want to be really lazy. I want to be comforted and I want to feel loved. I want to feel really special. I want my favorite songs played in the background. I want to stay like that the WHOLE DAMN DAY!

In reality, there'a lot that I need to do. I need to buy gifts for my sons. I can't believe this. I've been so busy doing a lot of things that I forgot to actually get them something for Christmas. I mean, I had it in my mind but I told myself to get it "later" so Bas wouldn't have the chance to ask me over and over again to open his presents. So now I need to rush. In this mood, I need to actually push myself to go to the mall- squeeze myself in (I know malls will be crowded) and FALL IN LINE at the counter. 

Enough with the whining! Just do what you're supposed to do because you don't have a choice. - note to self.


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