Friday, January 22, 2016

Confidently Beautiful with a Heart ♥

This is funny! (sorry) I know this is not probably meant to be funny for whoever sent it but it is for me. LOL. If you're trying to hurt me or piss me off, that would be the least thing that would make me feel bad, because that is the last thing I worry about in my life. Although, I am intrigued as to who this person is. I must have pissed the hell out of her that she decided to create a dummy Facebook account just to tell me I am ugly. LOL. I figured that this person was a "she" because I checked her profile and Facebook said "-She- changed -her- profile picture". well, as they say "Haters gonna hate!". 

For the record, I do not care how you think I look like because first of all, I do not wake up in the morning for you (it's for my sons) and of course, I do not dress up for you or for anyone else. I dress up, I try to make myself beautiful for- ME, it's for self satisfaction. What matters to me is that when I look in the mirror, I smile and feel contented with what I look like and not feel sorry for myself. If I get compliments for looking good then I am thankful (super!). If someone says I am ugly, then I am ugly. I am not very insecure about that part of my life or personality. I know I need to enhance my outward appearance- like plucking my eyebrows, putting on moisturizer and powder, lipstick and some cheek tint.  I get stuff that I can afford. I don't borrow or worse steal just so I can achieve the look that I want. I am not disturbing anyone else. These are all mine, therefore, I will use it for my own pleasure.

Also, ever since I came to know the world, I've always loved dressing up. Even at a young age I was concious as to what goes well with what- like colors that match, shirt sizes that go with pants or shorts or skirts, printed over plain, shoes for certain occasions and outfit, which bag to pair for the occasion or the outfit and even the accessories that I wear depends on the place and color of my outfit and shoes. Before I actually dress up and put on stuff, I assess if they go well together and if it's appropriate for the  occasion and location that I'm going to. I don't go by just knowing which one I like. For example, I will wear these pants because I like it, I will pair it with my favorite blouse and I will wear my favorite sandals- What if the colors don't go together? Or what if the blouse isn't meant to be paired with pants because of its cut and length? And what if the sandals doesn't go well with pants and how about the color? I consider all of those stuff in dressing myself up and I enjoy it. Again, let me reiterate it, it's for my self fulfillment.

It ain't too bad actually :)
Admittedly, most of my self confidence come from the outfit that I've put on together- I mean, how comfortable I am with how I look. Of course, I want to look presentable. I believe that your outfit or outward appearance says a lot about you. It's your identification. So I choose it carefully. AND AGAIN, it's for my own satisfaction, not for anyone else. 

So, if you think I'm ugly- that I look like a horse, my chin is long and my eyes are big, then that is totally okay with me. I have accepted my face wholeheartedly that I am not intimidated by its flaws. 

You see, life is not a beauty pageant, that you would need to have that perfect face or perfect body. You just need to be happy and contented with what you have. Enhance what you can and accept what you can't. Simple as that. What matters is what comes out of your mouth because whatever comes out of it is what's inside your brain- what you think about. And what you think about defines who you are as a person, it shines through. Because your heart and your brain always coincides. They may sometimes disagree but they often compromise. So, no matter what you wear, even if you wear the most expensive designer clothes, shoes or make up, you will still not be contented because your heart isn't happy. Contentment comes from happiness, I guess. When you're happy with the way things are of course you feel contented. I mean contented in a way that you don't push things too hard, that you're still aware that there's a bigger world out there and there are a lot of opportunities but you keep your feet on the ground, wait for your turn and just be happily steady with where you're currently at.

If you would have said something about my attitude, it would probably give me a different impact. I might pause and reflect my actions but trying to hurt me by insulting my physical appearance, isn't really going to affect me. So, try harder next time. LOL :P

Because you know what when life puts me through challenges this is what I do:

PS: You forgot about my forehead! LOL

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