Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Acceptance is a Must!

I had a realization early today, Kase I was thinking, all these backstabbing has already been going on long before I even knew about it. I, unfortunately, was the last one to know. Had it not because of this new girl (Matabil and sorry to say but she cannot be trusted at all, she just can't help spilling beans), I wouldn't have probably known about it. I would have been okay with it because what I do not know won't hurt me. Anyway, I cannot do anything about it anymore because what's done is already done. 

So, instead, I am accepting it. I wll accept things as they are. You can hate me all you want but it doesn't mean that I have to hate you back. Hating is negative and it's not what I want for myself. I don't want to dwell on something that cannot help me pay my bills and of course with providing for my children. I want to always choose positivity to nourish my heart and soul. I need to always take care of myself first so I can take care of my children. 

If I were in your shoes [backstabber], I would wonder why I always look at the flaws and fail to see/appreciate what's good. You are actually missing out. You may have all the things that the world can offer but you don't see it because your heart is filled with negative energy which eradicates the purpose of your blessings. Life is short, don't spend your time stressing on what others decide in their lives. Don't confuse it with being concerned, because when you truly are concerned, you should have scolded and confronted the person involved rather than talk behind their back. Aside from not being heard, you are depriving yourself from knowing the truth. 

But then again, that is your choice. And I have no "choice" but to accept it and live with it. From now on, I will do my best to not be affected on whatever you throw at me. God sees my intentions and he knows that I do not mean any harm to anyone, so I won't be shaken. 

Thank you Lord for giving me a heart that is able to appreciate life despite its many challenges =)

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