Monday, November 30, 2015

That Moment When You Want to Cry

Life's fair, I know. Minsan masaya, minsan malungkot. You can't have it all. Just accept things as they are. Syempre, masakit but you can always choose to move on. 

LOL. As if I'm so broken hearted. Today is just one of those days when you don't feel anything at all. I am more confused than happy or sad. I had an awesome weekend, I spent it with people that matter to me the most. So, I am supposed to feel happy. Bakit nga ba hindi?


Minds. I am trying to decipher people's thoughts and feelings. This whole situation has made me paranoid. I feel like I'm being talked about all the time. This is shit. Deep shit.

This blog and nothing else.

To "I'll never go far away from you", Irene, my seatmate is singing it right now. It reminds me of KalyeSerye. It was played while Alden was on his way to the stage where Maine was waiting for him. Nkaka-kilig moment...

That I'm not just paranoid. It's been confirmed just now. People should just mind their own business and be happy for others. Some people are just full of shit.

Food. We just had our Chris Kringle and some gifts were food from childhood.

That people would mind their own business and please STOP being sooo judgmental. And for people to stop being so nosy. 

That things would get better. It just keeps getting worst. I mean, I am really happy with the way things are right now and I don't think I'm bothering any of these nosy people but they just keep pushing. I don't understand why. It hurts cuz these nosy people aren't just random people, they mean so much to me. :(

My pink uniform.

My sons forever and ever. And people whom I can trust fully. I wish it's that easy to distinguish though.



Some break... I am so tired with all this shit. Honestly. Why can't just people be happy and just let people be.

Positive still. I am not doing anything wrong. Wala ako'ng inaapakang tao. I think it's safe to say that in the end, I won't be the one punished. God always give people what they deserve.

When I started to write this blog, I wasn't really feeling any of this. I was just lazy, emotionless and tired. But someone had said something that sort of confirmed something that made me feel like I wanna run away, cry or just deadma(?). I don't really know.. Nkaka pagod na eh

Should I give up my own happiness for them to stop being like this to me? It's not easy being in a place where you need to pretend that you're having fun with people who talk about you when you turn your back. I love these people, I want their company, but why??? 

I can feel your guilt. You can't even turn to look at me. Napaka plastic mong tao! Just when I started to like your company again, heto ka na naman. What have I done to you??? Tigilan mo na ako! 

PS- I know why you can't confront me face to face, because you know that I'm not doing anything wrong. You're just unhappy with your own life that you think other people's lives are the problem but the truth is... it's your life. Please deal with it and stop looking at mine!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Euphoria

I may be a mother of 2 beautiful children already but my experience with men isn't really vast even at 29. I only slept with one man in my life, the father of my children, whom you know is gone for good now. I just realized how he only pleased himself and didn't care about returning the favor. It's a bit odd to ever write about my sex life. But we're mature people here. It's not just an act- it's actually part of a relationship. In fact, it's an important factor between couples. If your partner isn't sexually attracted to you anymore then that is a problem. Your partner must be attracted to someone else (or sick?), usually that's the reason. 

Anyway, I am not really liberated- I can't say I am but I am open minded. As long as I am not forced to do it and I like (love) the person I am doing it with, then I'm down for it. So, let's just say I want that Euphoric feeling (will you be my euphoria?), for me, it's the feeling that makes your body elevate out of great pleasure. The feeling of not knowing what to do, you scream (your inner goddess is dancing in fire) and you bury your nails into the depths of the bed. Something about it that unleashes the primitive side of a woman. Your heart's beating fast, your body's heating up... the caress, the kisses, his breath, his lips, his manhood. You want him inside you, you want to feel his skin and you want your tongue all over his and all over his body. Your body would take control, the urge and then you explode with the stars, the meteors and the entire universe. The feeling is just so heavenly.. well, actually, not even. It's an unexplainable delicious, gorgeous, sexy, sumptuous feeling in the world.

Having imagined all of that, I can only picture out someone really special. So,
It's not the act but the person you are doing it with. At least that is what I believe in and that is what I feel. I don't think it would give me that euphoric feeling if I was with someone else (a stranger?). Well, it could also be a matter of preferences. Some people prefer to do it with no strings attached which is totally understandable. Coming from an 8-year failed relationship, I would be the first person to understand. And yes, I am willing to be in that kind of relationship. Investing to a new love would mean another set of pain and I'm not willing to go through that shit all over again. 

But still the hope for someone better to come is there. I still haven't given up on love. Like I always tell myself- Chances, it's infinite and free. So I am going to give myself a chance to be with you, love you and be happy with you. I pray to God that we will make it through the challenges, obstacles and storms. We can do this! Aja! Inshallah.. you are my euphoria :) <3

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Just Now..


Some random articles from Facebook, mostly about children.

This blog

To "We hold each other" by A Great Big World. It's a nice song, I think it's about a guy who met a gay lover after his girlfriend ditched him. I just like the chorus. 

Something happens when I hold him
He keeps my heart from getting broken
When the days get short and the nights get a little bit frozen
We hold each other
We hold each other
We hold each other

About how to spend my day after the shift. I've become cold. It's just because of an unsatisfying text reply. This is the second day now. You know when you're being sweet (or pabebe) and you get a flat response (deadma ampota).. ooppss sorry! So there you go- basag trip level 2000.

Chewing gum, my chewing gum.

My pimple would be gone right now. 

For things to go back to normal, like totally be normal again. I know it's a process and I'm starting to feel like I'm a burden, that I shouldn't be bothering you right now. I hope I'm wrong. Just tell me..

My brown and cream uniform. This uniform is cute, he likes it. 

My curly hairstyle. Thanks Mylabs :)

To be with you but...

To not overthink (perhaps). *sigh 

I need you...keep me sane.

Burdened. Why? I don't know for sure. Or maybe, I am the burden? 

Well, I am not giving away too much of everything, am I? It's the unsatisfying text reply that's making me feel this way. I am not usually sweet so if I do that, I am totally with high emotions- I'm being real. And then you don't say anything, you just ignore it like I'm a kid with tantrums. 

My friend told me that I'm being too much. I usually follow her advice but I'm feeling differently. I feel like I'm being taken for granted. Just a simple sweet text message would make me really happy, why can't you just give it to me? Is it too much for me to ask? Am I undeserving? I don't know how to end this blog anymore. The stuff that I'm writing about are making me sad.. it hurts. I guess that's what the truth brings us... pain. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I almost lost it at Mikhael's school yesterday. When it comes to my kids, I am very (VERY) sensitive. I can't have other people take advantage of my kids' innocence (NOT AT ALL- OVER MY DEAD NAILS). Mikhael learned a life lesson yesterday- never make friends with people with bad habits, bad people will always be bad. It's in them, it's their nature.

Mikhael's become friends with the classroom bully- Vincent. I thought it's okay at least they're friends- he wouldn't pick on my son. I am also talking (or friends maybe) with his mom, we eat lunch together. I know the kid's behavior in school and he's also one of the reasons why I need to watch Mikhael closely at school. 

Vincent is the typical bully- he's BIG (tall and fat), he's of course, stronger than all of the kids in their grade level. He can just grab someone and have them do things, I saw him push and punch other kids, he destroyed Mikhael's trolley, he eats other kids' baon, get other kids' things and worst is that he is a liar (scary cuz he can lie and would really stick to it as if he was telling the truth). He has a ton of complaints in the student affairs office. Before yesterday's incident happened, I felt bad for Vincent's mom. It's not easy to hear complaints against your son- Moms confront you and your son informing you that your son did this and that, complaints here and there. I know parenting is such a big responsibility, it's not never easy to discipline a child. You'd need to choose your words correctly- words should be suitable for children. There are a million things you need to consider in dealing with a child. At 6, it's when they develop their values and principles in life. I want Mikhael to be wise in life. I want him to learn how to fight his battles- when to use the carrot and when to use the iron stick. Which makes it hard because I am not beside him every minute, every millisecond of his life. I just hope and pray that he internalizes all the values I am trying to teach him. 

So yesterday, I went to school to bring him lunch- just like what I do on a daily basis. When I arrived at the parent lounge, I saw Glyzeel's Mom. I met them last year when Mikhael and Glyzeel were on Prep1. They were in a different section, but since there are only 2 sections, people know each other. Glyzeel's Mom, Grace, told me that Glyzeel lost her money earlier that day, it was 200+ pesos. She said that Glyzeel's money was in her wallet, which was placed inside her bag. But someone took it, even the coins were gone. She was asking me if it was possible that a grown up (sundo or yaya) could have gone inside the classroom and took her daughter's money. But I said it's impossible for an outsider to actually know who has money in the bags so I told her it could be one of the kids. I was confident that my son, Mikhael, would never touch anyone's money. I trained him to not want money, if he needs something, he asks me and I never saw him having an interest in having his own money. He's usually deadma with money. He doesn't even open my bag and take anything from it. He would always ask me first. 

So when we got in the canteen, Vincent and his mom were already having lunch, so Mikhael automatically went beside Vincent and they played with my phone and Vincent's tablet. That's what they usually do during lunch. They play five nights at Freddy's. I almost forgot to ask Mikhael until I saw Grace and Glyzeel pass by in front of our table. So, I immediately sat beside Mikhael and whispered in his ear to ask if he knew who took Glyzeel's money because I had a hunch that Vincent had something to do with it. I leaned towards his ear and said "Babe, na wala gud ang money ni Glyzeel kanina, alam mo kung sino ang kumuha?" To my surprise, he took 100 pesos from his pocket and handed it to me. I looked at his face to assess if he was nervous or what. The poor boy didn't know how grave the offense was. He has this naughty smile that told me- no biggie Mama, it's with me, we were just hiding it. So I immediately asked him how he got it and he said Vincent gave it to him. Since Vincent was just seated with us, I immediately confronted him and asked why they took Glyzeel's money. Of course, he denied it to death and told me that he didn't take Glyzeel's money. His mom searched for money in his pockets, but she found nothing. So I asked Mikhael again and again what happened, he just kept telling me that it was Vincent who took it from Glyzeel's wallet and handed the money to him. I know Bas very well and I am confident that he was telling the truth. 

I told them to go see their teacher and talk to Glyzeel's mom. I don't want to let this incident pass for a couple of reasons- 

1. I don't want Mikhael blamed. My kid was honest enough to tell the truth while the real perpetrator is denying it and my son gets blamed? NO WAY! 

The Mom was also going along with her son's lie. She just wants her son to get away with it which isn't fair to Mikhael. I am standing beside my son no matter what. 

As a parent, if a child does something they know would upset you, they will, of course, deny it to your face. It's your job as a parent to know your child well and know how to interrogate them and not tolerate them to tell you lies. It's BS!!

2. I want to show Mikhael that the truth will always prevail. That he does not need to be scared as long as he did not do anything wrong and that he is telling the truth. 

3. I want him to learn his lesson. He should not be taking money from anyone. He only takes money from me or immediate family. He should not be taking money without me knowing. I am thinking about a lot of things- he could be molested, raped, it could lead to prostitution... so, NO!!

4. I want him to know that I stick to the truth and what is right. I will not tolerate his mistakes and he needs to see the consequences. 

5. That bad people will always be bad people and they will be bad for you. He may play with him and his mom may talk to me, but they will only save their ass even if it's at your expense.

6. It is not cool to tolerate a friend or a playmate to do something bad. He should not be a part of anything like that. He should know that he will be in hot waters if does it again.

I honestly got pissed and confronted Vincent's Mom, I didn't like the way she was tolerating her son. I told her to investigate and interrogate her son because my son's telling us that it was Vincent who took the money. She was implying that Mikhael was the one lying so, the taurus came out of me once again. Well, the words weren't good- they were, in fact, ugly. Sorry. I was really blunt and told her that her son's been lying that she needs to get to know her son better and not tolerate his son. I confronted her about the toy she found in her son's pocket while she was looking for the money- I asked whose that was and she said she didn't know. So, I told her "you didn't even ask why the toy was in his pocket and you dare tell me that your kid is not touching or making pakealam other kids' stuff?" ...she turned red and walked out. Taurus was heating up and her horns were on her. 

When the teacher came, I told her about the problem. She already knew it and told me that she also caught Vincent playing with Glyzeel's tablet and when confronted, he pointed his finger to my son once again- telling the teaher that it was Mikhael who got the tablet while he was actually the one holding it. URGH! Taurus level 2 activated. So after the short conversation with the teacher, I left. But when I reached the parent lounge, I saw Vincent's Mom talking to Glyzeel's Mom.. oh wow! So I called them and told them that we need to talk in front of the teacher. So in front of us 3, she kept denying so I told her bluntly-  "How can you correct your son if you cannot even accept his mistakes". I said a lot of things in a Taurus level 2 manner, I already forgot half of the things I told her. I just made sure that it was clear to Glyzeel's mom that I took my son's actions seriously and I want to fix it. Mikhael and Vincent were also sent to the guidance counselor. I don't like the idea of my son had to go through that but he needs to realize how grave that offense was so he doesn't do it again. 

Moral lesson this experience is that Vincen't attitude is actually a result of his Mom's attitude. I don't know if it's her pride or maybe she doesn't want to discipline her child (she's tired?). I took pity on Vincent because when I went out the classroom a lot of parents approached me and agreed that Vincent was a liar, that he also took someone's money, he punched someone, etc. Her son's always involved in issues and would probably get expelled, but I can say that it's her fault. She's not responsible enough to discipline the child. Even if it's blatant that the kid was lying, she will just take it to save herself the hassle of talking to her son and disciplining him. It's her upbringing that made her son a bully. 

As for me, I will work hard on disciplining my children. I do not want them to be hated or talked about in school or anywhere. I want them to grow up being good people- God fearing. They will be men sooner or later, so it is important for me to be there for them as they grow up. Yes, I am a stage mom. I will stand up for my children because if I don't who else will?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Light Up The Dark- Lost Star

I wasn't able to write any "Currently" stuff on my blog last week as I promised myself that I would. There's just a lot of things that happened last week. It's amazing how your life can change in just one event. I'm sorry, but I can't really share everything in this blog. But just starting the blog is so hard for me that tears are even starting to pile up in the bottom of my eyes. 

I'm not really in the mood to write a new blog, but I think it will help me express some feelings despite not being able to actually write it all in here. So here it goes...


Maine's latest blog. Like I said I'm not really inspired to write a blog right now, but I think it's good for me at this time. So, I went to browse Maine's blog to get inspiration. So far, I think it's working.

After answering some emails, I am now writing this blog.

I can't really listen to music because I am in the office, but if I can, I think I will be listening to  "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" by Mehgan Trainor and John Legend. That is exactly what I'm feeling right now- EXACTLY! Although I am reassured that nothing's going to change, realizing that it can happen anytime is... I can't even put it into words. Well, ginusto mo yan! Then be brave, Aubrey, be brave. *hugs

About sooo many sooo many things. Tama ka eh, napaka hirap ng buhay. You need to work hard to make it work, you need to continually look for ways to make it better. Argh!! I wish I could write it all in this "thinking" category. There's just so many things. I think I am overthinking again and again. Siguro, I'm making it too hard for myself. 

Advice to thyself: Just let it slide Aubrey. Things will fall into place. Don't try so hard. Just let things fall into place. Make sure you're doing your own responsibilities, you're there for the person, do not give up. You'll work things out. Ikaw pa!

Coffee. I haven't had coffee yet and since my tumbler disappeared, I can't have coffee right away. Shout out to the one who took it!!! @$#%%&!!! 

I'll get another one later- i'll try to squeeze getting one later before heading home. My entire schedule is depending on when you'll be needing me. As much as I can, you know that I will be there for you

That no matter how hard the circumstances are, we don't give up on each other. That instead we will be there for each other and that we'll get through this and pass with flying colors. I heard on television once- "hindi na man pwedeng palaging masaya, talagang magkaka problema. Ang importante ay nandyan kayo para sa isa't isa." I'm just not sure where I heard it. I do know though that it was sort of an old lady talking to the main character or something. I think I was eating when my Aunts were watching TV. I am really not into television (or teleserye) so much so I wasn't really paying attention and then just recently I realized that whoever said it, it's true. 

That you are okay, that I am helping you instead of pulling you down. 

My pink office uniform. It's too short actually but I always forget to bring it to the mananahi

My kids forever ♥

To be there by your side always. I want to make you fall asleep. 

Coffee right now. And... I think I need to be petrified. 

Really, really sad. It's terrible and... I'm terrified :(

So much with those "-ied" ending feelings..LOL. Well, thank you blog for at least allowing me to shout it all out. I mean, not totally but at least a little. 

I just realized that my blog title says it all- Are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?