Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Goodbye, M.D.

I was getting ready to sleep when I saw posts from friends that they’ve passed the med board exam, that they are now officially “First Last Name, MD”. How cool is that! I was happy congratulating everyone. When I suddenly thought of you, it’s not that I don’t think of you anymore, because I honestly do. This one’s just a little pinch in the heart. Have you passed? I googled the names and there you are…. Ryg MOHbKEL NLhfe, MD. Wow! Boy! I was very happy, I almost jumped from my seat. I wanted to cheer so loudly for you. I wanted to see your smile and your happiness. I’m sure you’d be ecstatic. We would have jumped while hugging each other… our smiles, cheers and laughter with your family and friends.

But because of a sudden twist of fate a few years back, I am not going to celebrate with you, sadly. Although I’ve been part of most of the difficult years when you were starting med school, I won’t be there to kiss, hug and congratulate you. I have imagined that day for so many times- How I’m going to rejoice with you and what I’m going to wear on your victory party.

We both had shortcomings. We both contributed to the death of our love. But today, as you rejoice, I am breaking down. Don’t get me wrong, I wish you really well. I want the best for you, believe me.

It’s just that now that you passed the board, I know what happens next. I know because that was our plan. That was once our plan. It sucks that I’m no longer part of it now. You are making our dreams reality… but not with me, but with her.

There are times that I would wake up in the middle of the night wanting to invent a time machine to make things right in the past. It’s just not how things work. In this world, in order for you to win, you need to move on. It’s hard but I know I can do this. I can fix myself and find my forever. I still believe in love.

As for you, since I wouldn’t be able to congratulate you ever, I am writing this for you. I pray to God that he showers you with blessings because you deserve it. Goodbye to our past and cheers to our future! Not together but I know a lot of great things await each of us. You hold a special spot in my heart. Thanks for everything.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Photographs, Memories and Heartaches

I really want to cry right now….

I was comforting a so-much-younger-friend earlier as she’s facing a big break-up. OMG! When I was her age, I was madly in love with my ex- the father of my kids. I never knew a lot of heartache when I was younger. The first time I cried was when I first broke up with my first boyfriend. I was brokenhearted for about 3 days. LOL! We broke up Saturday, I was crying with my teddy bear, feeling cute like I was in some teenage movie drama, cried when I saw my best friends in school and then forgot about it the next day. HAHAHA! The next time I cried was when I thought I was in love my guy best friend, which I kind of figured when I aged more, that it was more of me being jealous of the thought that these girls (his many girlfriends) are trying to steal my only guy best friend who took really good care of me. The next time I cried was when my baby-daddy left me and the kids. That was a big blow. I don’t know if it helped my friend but I kind of told her “well, I had 2 kids with him and still he left, you’re even luckier!” LOL!  I know that no matter what you tell a person who’s in her position wouldn’t really understand anything. They wouldn’t take any of your advices. They just don’t want to be alone while they deal with the loss and while they imagine all the good things they’ve had with the person.

Even if I tried to appear strong in front of her, I wanted to cry sooo badly. God! I’m only human and I have memories. I do remember how pain got its claws over me. Damn! When my baby-daddy chose another girl over the pregnant me, yes, I was pregnant with our second child (my Darling Zaak) it felt like my head was expanding and that it’s going to blow when it reaches its peak. My entire body froze realizing that I can’t do anything because I was just seated in front of the computer and he was there in Abu Dhabi. Yes, the bastard broke up with me through WeChat. I felt very unworthy. I forgot about my own value and begged and begged and begged him not to leave me. I begged him to come home and give us a chance to be with him that maybe it would change his mind. Still, it didn’t work. The Bastard didn’t reply. I would wake up in the middle of the night with a very heavy chest, as if a hollow block was on top of it. I would get up, drink water, check my damn Wechat thinking that he might have come into his senses and sent me a message. But still he didn’t. It felt like it was the end of the world. I was telling myself that no one would ever love a single mom like me. I have 2 kids!!! If ever someone would want to be with me, it would be for sex- not love. I was insane.

BUT it was all just a phase. People go through heartaches for some time in each other’s lives. As I was trying to make her feel better, I thought about things that she could do to somehow change something, ex: wardrobe etc. And then I thought about cutting her hair, relating to an experience I had when I was younger. As I was telling her about what happened, I kind of miss the person. I searched for him in Facebook but I realized he’s blocked me, good thing I found him on Linkedin though! LOL! I was happy seeing him. I wonder how he is. WAIT! Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I want to be with him again. I’m totally happy with my life now, super! (Thank you Lord) I don’t want to ruin it. It’s just that he was nothing but a sweet memory to me. Thinking about what we’ve had makes me smile. It was sweet, innocent, clean… and BAWAL. He’s not married, we both weren’t. HAHA! Alright, enough!

My friend may be in deep pain right now, but I’m sure she will get over it as long as she helps herself. Pain demands to be felt, yes, but it ends. So, don’t worry too much. There will always be someone better who will come into your life and make you happier, someone who will accept you for who you are- someone who knows you’re clumsy, stubborn and sometimes a dork but still accept you. Someone who would just laugh at your mistakes, comfort you and will make sure that you wouldn’t commit the same mistakes again. It sounds impossible but it’s possible. Just dream, believe and survive!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Sorry August...but thank you, you've been GREAT!

I’m really really feeling sorry for myself for not being able to write anything in my blog the entire August. I promised myself to have entries every damn month! How come? There were so many interesting things that happened to me last month. I hope I was able to share it on time. Got so busy with work, tasks changed and I needed to be on top of things.   
Last month was special because I got to be with her. I mean, I have been around her for a lot of times but last month was different. We were “alone”, just us – not afraid to show what we truly are. I wanted to avoid being close to her because she's old enough to have opinions of her own and I was afraid that she wouldn’t like me. But it went pretty cool, we had plenty of laughs and I think that she’s such a darling. I’m happy to be her friend =)

What a shame for me to miss updating my August blog and yet right now I am literally staring at my computer without any clue what to write about.

So, why don’t I just do the “Currently”, let’s see what comes out…


The new script for a new project…

This blog, I don’t really have much to do today because the tasks assigned to me will start tomorrow and my other agents aren’t here because it’s a US holiday.

To Marry Me by Train, this song makes me fall in love over and over again. Someday, yes I do!  

When I wanna go easy on mornings, I listen to these types of songs. They set a good mood.

Later I will listen to closer by The Chainsmokers, Andrew Taggart is such a hottie ^_^

Nothing, I just wanted to take a moment and be inspired by the song… and then I thought to myself, “Will I ever get married?” Urgh, this darn song! I’ve always wanted to be a good wife to a good man/husband, honestly. I want to take care of a home. I want to have a complete family. I want a man who will be a good father to my 2 adorable boys. I want them to look up to a good man- someone who learned from his mistakes.

I want us to travel together as a family. I bet that would be fun! Ohhh, I want so many things. Bless us, Dear God.

Coffee from the vendo and my own cologne J

Wishing, hoping and believing are 3 different things. I don’t want to keep wishing (and hoping) for significant things in life because I believe that I don’t need to wish since I’m living by it right now. I know that everything that’s happening will lead me to where I’m supposed to be. So, I guess, it’s better to wish for more coffee and some ice cream. Oh yeah baby!!

Like I said, hope is not having faith because faith would tell you that all is well and that all you gotta do is wait for things to fall into place. However, hoping is being unsure that things will happen. It’s like I hope that this and that will happen, but if not then I’m gonna have to deal with whatever’s laid upon me. I am faithful and not hopeful. My faith never failed me.


My maroon turtle neck and gray “puruntong”. It’s Monday today and I’m not allowed to wear my pink uniform because it’s too short.

Life! I mean, it sure is imperfect but there are more than enough reasons to be thankful for. Especially my boys- their voices, their scent, their kisses and hugs are all that matters to me.

Peace on earth! There was bombing at Roxas Street about 3 days ago and every time I see updates in my newsfeed, I couldn’t help but feel brokenhearted about it. How could people be so wicked!? How could they stand seeing bloodied corpses knowing that those people are loved and needed? How could they stand hearing people cry? God is faithful, he is just. He will bestow what people deserve.

Sometimes when I think about it, people are really capable of creating something really wicked. I mean, people can even be wicked in small things like, when they are  envious or get jealous, people tend to say hateful things and think about things to bring people down, even if it’s not their fault, even if it’s them who should sort things out within themselves. May hugot ba ako? Nagpapaliwanag lang! lol!

To cut my hair and have it rebonded. Final na! Paparebond ko na, I can’t help it. I tried to keep it curly but it’s really hard to manage. Fixing it takes time. I just wanna be able to comb it and it’s good for the next 12 hours or so. LOL! Yes, I seldom comb my hair. As long as it looks intact, I’m cool with it. Yes, tamad ako fixing it.

Hungry! In just a few minutes I will eat like a queen! (..And so I did!)

So, there you go! That sums up my entire August. All love and positivity lang!

I am constantly praying for the victims of the bombing and I am praying for everyone’s safety. There are still a lot of Intel reports that are being passed on from friends or in FB posts, I am not sure whether they’re true but it still scares the hell out of me. I don’t want to live feeling this way though; this is not what Christ wants for us. We should live and enjoy the life that he has given his life for.

We are already winners! Let’s claim it. We shall surpass this. Whatever problems we may have, it is well and it is done. We are victorious!