Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Life is Beautiful, My Friend

I just recently learned about the "Semi-colon" campaign. It's a campaign against suicide- semi-colons are used by writers when they're supposed to end the sentence or story but decided to continue. It's like some people decided to end their lives but people with semi-colon tattoos, pictures or shirts (maybe) are begging them not to end it but continue their life story. It's interesting, whoever thought about using the semi-colon is genius. It gives impact to the campaign.

Based on my own experience, pain is the number 1 factor that pushes people to commit suicide. You don't have a choice but to feel pain and sometimes you think about the quickest solution to make it end. Pain isn't just a feeling or an emotion because too much pain can also be felt physically- your chest is heavy, it felt like the muscles were overstretched or something and then your entire body becomes numb and you feel that your head is big and heavy too. You cannot move, you cannot breathe... all you feel is pain. You want to end it as quickly as possible but it just wouldn't go. It's almost unbearable- your brain wants to surrender. All your insides are crying, screaming and begging but there are no tears. Even your tears have gotten tired of reproducing or you just ran out of it from too much crying. I've experienced waking up in the middle of the night feeling this way. I wanted to take my clothes off and run... run and search for the end of the road that never ends.

I don't really blame people who resort to suicide or think about committing suicide. It's lack of moral support from people that matter to people are to be blamed. Sometimes people are so busy with life that they forget to comfort friends and family who are going through a tough time. When you're in pain, that is all you feel, see and hear. You need someone to get your hand and get you out of that ditch. When you found someone who scooped you out of misery, help yourself to stay out and be free from pain. You need to take advantage, be appreciative of people who want to help you. There is no room for pride when you are in pain. You need to get out of it. Your only option is to move forward and fight. Get help. It is your battle (I know) but you cannot fight alone.

I've hurt myself several times and I wished to die several times too. There's some sort of evil intervention that would make you feel alone, that no one is there to help you and that no one understands you. But people actually do not need to understand you, they just need to be there for you knowing that you are in pain and that they are willing to help you get out of it. No one needs to understand the pain because no one ever will. That is your pain, people experience different types of pain and different levels of pain. I think no one can ever relate to each others' pain. We just need to be there to scoop each other out of that pit and work on staying out- that's all.

Life is beautiful. It's imperfections make it so amazingly beautiful. SO HANG ON TO IT. Be patient, there's ALWAYS a rainbow after the storm. Believe it and you will see. I have been there and got out of it with flying colors. But I never would have done it without friends and family who helped me get out of it. I got help and helped myself too. There is a reason for everything- God allowed it to happen then there is a significant reason to it. Have faith in the Lord, surrender to him and you shall be free.

As what the Lord said:

 "Cast your burdens upon Me
Those who are heavily laden,
Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And My burden is light,
Come to Me and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28


1 comment:

  1. As what the Lord said:

    "Cast your burdens upon Me
    Those who are heavily laden,
    Come to Me, all of you who are tired
    Of carrying heavy loads,
    For the yoke I will give you is easy
    And My burden is light,
    Come to Me and I will give you rest."
    Matthew 11:28
