Friday, April 3, 2015


I watched Nicholas Sparks' novel turned movie about 2 days ago. It was called "Best of Me". It's been 2 days but I still think about the movie. It left a mark on me. How can something so true, so great be not meant to be? It was just borrowed. It wasn't meant to stay. How can Nicholas Sparks write those heartbreaking stories? Where does he get the inspiration from? He probably loved someone so bad and feared of losing that person. I think he's also scared of death as he always wrote about death in the main characters- couples so in love with each other but are separated forever by death. Or maybe the love of his life left him and he killed that person in different ways through his novels. I can give a hundred interpretations about his novels but they NEVER fail to touch my heart. They imprint in my heart that I still get emotional (even teary eyed) every time I remember the stories. 

BORROWED- are most wonderful things in life just borrowed? Some people say there's NO such thing as forever. Man, I gotta be brave. If this is true then I must have a heart made of rock. On a second thought, even if things doesn't work out the way you wanted it to be (in your love life), I think you should still be thankful. At least it happened to you, at least you were able to experience it. It taught you a lot of things and it made you happy in different ways. What more can you ask for? If forever doesn't really exist because change is the only thing that's constant in the world. Then perhaps all you can do is be thankful it happened. 

"I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.", that's what Seth said to Cassiel (an angel, Seth's friend) when he asked him if he knew that Maggie would die would he still give up being an angel. We are uncertain of the future, therefore, we just take chances and be glad of it's result whatever it is. Seth was an ANGEL- he gave it up because of love. While Maggie, a doctor, was operating a man who was about to die and whom Seth needs to "pick up", Seth saw Maggie's eyes and fell in love with her. But the morning after they got together, Maggie died. 

Now I am laughing at myself cuz I was talking about Nicholas Sparks' movie but now I am talking about City of Angels (LOL). As you see I am fond of movies and my brain is scattered (LOL). Please don't hate, just appreciate. So going back to Nicholas Sparks' movies, I've watched a couple and they all made me feel very emotional. Let me give you a list of those movies and give you a peak of what I felt when watching the movie. I've seen some of those movies years ago,  Let's see how I recall them.

The Notebook
The story is about a couple who met in World War II. They were separated by the war, politics, power and family and yet they still managed to get over those obstacles and went away together. It seemed like a GREAT movie with a happy ending but the twist is that the story was just written in a journal of a man reading it to his wife who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. SHE FORGOT EVERYTHING. The man, Noah, reads the journal to Allie EVERYDAY so she would remember how GREAT their love story is. Noah's love for Allie is EPIC. The ending was epic too, the couple sleeps together and dies in their sleep together. Perhaps forever is true then? But not for Allie I guess. She forgot the most important parts of her life. Her story with the love of her life. Tragic I suppose.

A Walk to Remember
This is my favorite. I saw this when I was in high school and I've seen it about 8 to 9 times and it still makes me cry. Most epic of them all. 

Jamie was a nerd, she was the pastor's daughter. While Landen was a cool popular guy in school. Landen needed to do community service and needed to participate in a school play that Jamie also joined. He needed her help and as they were rehearsing for the play Landen got to know Jamie better and fell for her. But the twist is that Jamie had Leukemia. She's dying. The best parts in the movie is when Landen fulfills Jamie's dreams- being in two places at one time (he made her step between a boarder of 2 states), a tattoo (he put a fake tattoo at the back of her shoulders). It was so sweet of a guy to make an effort for a special girl. He also made her a big telescope as she loved stars. He also bought a star and named it after her. Jamie dies in the movie but she changed Landen and she inspired him to become a better person. Jamie told Landen that her love for him is like the wind. He doesn't see it but he can feel it. Just the thought of it makes me cry.

Nights in Rodanthe
It's been a long time since I saw this movie. But I know it made me cry and I got really emotional. All I remember is that the main characters, the couple, were both wounded people and found comfort from each other when they met in an inn in Rodanthe. They were stranded due to a storm. It's nice to be away and open up with a hot complete stranger. Sometimes it's easier to open up to someone you do not know (for me) because if they judge you it wouldn't matter as they're not important for you. Anyway, when the storm was over, communication and transportation was back they also went back to reality... their own separate hectic lives. But they still wrote letters to each other until the man died in Ecuador where he was staying with his son. I think death is the hardest to get over. It is easier to get over a man who left you to chase his dreams or a man who cheated on you than a man you love so dearly, a man who took care of you and then dies. God forbid, if this happens to me, I will forever mourn for his death.

The Guardian
The story is about 2 coast guards who were both undefeated in their craft. The other one was a veteran on the job and the other one is a rookie, played by Kevin Costner as the veteran and the rookie is played by Ashton Kutcher. At first Ashton's character didn't realize that the job or career he chose is more of a calling. He was a hot shot in swimming at school and thought he was on top. When he became a coast guard, he was mentored by Kevin's character. Later they develop a deeper relationship- like father and son. One day there was a bad storm and Kevin's character dies. I love the scene when Ashton breaks down and wouldn't stop searching for Kevin. From then on when people get lost at sea they say that someone was there to lift them up from drowning. Kevin's character never stopped rescuing people. Even in his death, he still continues his calling. If you get to watch this movie, you'll be touched seeing the passion of the rescuers as they strive really hard to rescue EVERY person they can. Especially when you get to see the waves they encounter. This is one of the nicest movies I've seen. This gave me a heavy a heart but the movie was good. Good enough to make me sad for Ashton's character.

Dear John
The story is about a military, CHANNING TATUM, who went on vacation in his home town after the war. He then meets Amanda Seyfried when her purse falls to the beach as she was standing in some sort of a bridge. The 2 were inseparable the entire spring break. As they return to their separate lives- Amanda a college student and Channing is back in his duties, they still exchanged letters until Amanda breaks up with Channing in her last letter. She married their cancer patient neighbor for his autistic son. The confrontation between these 2 left me crying. There are so many unspoken words and so much emotion in the scene. Aside from Channing's hotness, the lines are great, it pierces through the heart. Definitely worth watching.

The Lucky One
Still a film about a military- Zac Efron almost died in a war if not because of a picture he picked up. It was a picture of a woman with a lighthouse background. He believed that the picture and/or the woman saved him and that there is a reason why. Zac's character sets off in a journey to find the woman when he went home after the war. Using the lighthouse as a clue, he found the woman (Beth) and worked with her as she mistakenly thinks Zac wanted to apply at her store. It turns out that the picture is owned by Beth's brother. Zac was able to tell her how her brother died and that he was a hero. They both end up with each other. It's a feel good movie actually. It's still emotional due to the brother's death and the scenes made by her abusive ex-husband. 

The Last Song
Milley Cyrus' character, Ronnie, became a rebellious kid since her parents divorced. She hasn't spoken to her Dad since then. And then she gets to spend one summer with him. In her Dad's place she meets a young man which she fell for- Liam Hemsworth's character, Will. Miley and Liam met in this movie and had a real life relationship. Liam and Miley already broke up and Liam became the inspiration to Miley's song called "Wrecking Ball". Going back to the movie (sorry, scattered brain^_^), Will's character is charismatic, he's a good boy and he inspires Ronnie to loosen up. Will worked at a Turtle nesting facility and Ronnie somehow enjoys it as well. As she started realizing that she's been really bad and ruining herself and her relationship with her family, she finds out that her Dad is sick. She stays and she takes care of him. She also finishes her Dad's composition for her as they both have a love for music. It's a very touching story. It's about family. It's not just a typical love story. It's good because at least she was able to make ammends with her Dad and she was able to take care of him before he died. Death is common in Nicholas' novels and I somehow expect it already. This story will tell you that bitterness will do you no good. You need to help yourself move on and appreciate the good things in your life before it's too late.

Safe Haven
Josh Duhamel is so good looking and in the movie he is a widowed father of 2 young children, which by the way makes him hotter. The scenery in the movie is very relaxing. It's set up near the beach. Anyway, the story starts with a woman named Katie (Julianne Hough) who leaves her abusive Police husband. She finds comfort in a far away town and meets Alex, Josh Duhamel's character. I don't even know how to tell the story, it's just so nice that I do not want to mess it up. Okay so, Katie is befriended by a fine woman named Jo which she later finds out that she is Alex's late wife. She is miraculously match making them since Alex didn't have any interest in any other woman but Jo wants to make Alex happy and she wants him to have a lifetime companion. Jo had cancer and died. Apparently the Police ex-husband sent her photo to police stations all over US as a missing criminal so he can find her easily. There is still death in the story but this time it's a death well deserved. Katie shot her abusive ex-husband as she tries to defend herself from him. I love how the story was put together. This movie made me feel good and I fell in love with the characters too.

Best of Me
This is the latest Nicholas Sparks movie I've seen so far. The story is about 2 young lovers separated by lifestyle. Amanda's family is rich while Dawson's family- his dad- is a drug dealer, a gangster in the town. Dawson ran away because he can't stand his dad anymore and then he is adapted by Tuck, a widow and a very noble man. He loved Dawson like his own son and supported his relationship with Amanda. Dawson and Amanda were very happy even though Amanda's family didn't want Dawson for her. They even offered him money to stay away from Amanda. But that didn't back them down. They thought their love can conquer it all. But it all changed when Dawson's dad went to Tuck's house and hurt him badly. When Dawson comes home and finds Tuck lying on the ground with a bleeding forehead. He immediately took Tuck's gun and tried to attack his Dad. They fight and he accidentally shoots his best friend in the head. He never forgave himself although it was an accident. Especially that his best friend's girlfriend was pregnant at that time. Dawson went to jail and broke up with Amanda cuz he thinks that he wasn't good for her. Amanda went to visit her everyday but he never went to see her. She went there everyday for a year and then twice a week, every month, and then every year until she got married and had children. In a surprising turn of events, Tuck dies and they are both in his will. So they see each other after 20 years (oopss 21, sorry Dawson) and rekindle romance. They never really stopped loving each other. They are the best of each other when they are together. But since Amanda is married, Dawson didn't want to keep her. She goes back to her Uberbusy husband who did not appreciate her worth and realizes that she wants to be happy with Dawson. As soon as she decides to tell Dawson that she's divorcing her husband, Dawson dies, killed by his own father. On the same day her son got involved in an accident which caused him to have a heart transplant. After a successful heart transplant for his son, she finds out about Dawson's death and breaks down. After a year, she finds out that her son's heart donor was Dawson. Dawson never really left her. He left his heart even closer to her. I broke down too. I cried like I was part of the story. 

My first question was "WHY?". They both deserved to be with each other. They deserved to be happy. Why? I don't understand. Amanda seemed to be happy after a year. She divorced her husband and is working at a charity. But me, I was left brokenhearted. That great love is just borrowed. I think it's unfair. Why can't we keep the greatest love of our life? Why does it have to end like that?

Well, the only remedy I give myself to feel better is that we DO NOT KNOW THE FUTURE. It is best to enjoy people we love. Do not be afraid to express your feelings and follow your heart once in a while. If we love someone, we show it to them and be prepared on what's coming. We do not expect too much otherwise we'll end up getting badly hurt. Pain is part of life but at least we prepared and be able to manage somehow.

For now, let me deal with this unnecessary heart break. Let me go through this next year when I say goodbye to you. I do not want to spoil the little time we have thinking about the heartbreak and pain. I will tell myself at least I was able to experience it. Let me experience the happiness even if I know it'll be replaced by heartache sooner or later. I guess life's like that, you experience happiness and then heartbreak and then happiness and then heartbreak. It's a never ending cycle. I will cross the bridge when I get there. For now, let me hold your hand kiss you and hug you. Let's see, Inshallah! 

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