Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018, the year that was...

Life is imperfect but it's beautiful.

I know it's been a while since I last wrote. I miss it so much.

Where do I start? My mind is going gaga right now. I'm so excited that I don't even know where to start. 

2018's about to end and it's been one heck of a year!

Let me go through the aspects of my life and see how it went this year.


I am no longer working with Cody, which is the greatest thing that happened. I am now back with 123 and couldn't be any happier. I would like to think that the problem was Cody and not really him being an American. It's really hard to handle him as a person. He likes to throw people under the bus if you know what I mean. After everything that happened, I don't really know what he did but clearly, he did something cuz he cannot even look me in the eye or can't even say "hi". Duuhhh.

Since I've been back in 123, work life's been lighter. I go home smiling and I don't even have to open my TG fearing that there might be concerns. So much for that past life. I am just glad I got over it. No point in being bitter- there's always a rainbow after the storm... Such a cliche but so true.

Sir Mike's been giving me different projects too, which I love! I even went to Manila with Jinkie for a client meeting. I am sooo busy, I cannot put it into words but it's a good reason to be busy. I am thankful, it's a blessing.


My babies have grown so much. I can see how Mik's developed his own personality. He's so much like me and I am so proud of it. He may be not the brightest student in class but I can see how smart he is and how good he is as a person. He's beginning to get admirers (and I think he has a crush too). I don't blame them, he's really good looking :)

Zaak, on the other hand, is a Darling. He's so sweet and so into "Mama". He's also turning into this funny little boy who can really be a chic boy in the future. At this early age, Zaak's already fun to be with. Just imagine a 4 yr old throwing a good funny punch line. I can't really give out an example right now. It wouldn't be as funny if it's written plainly. You'll have to experience it yourself :)

There's actually gazillion things I want to say about my Children cuz for me they're the best. I'm really happy seeing their personalities unfold right in front of me. Of course, I am also here to teach them right from wrong (not that I am perfect but at least I am ahead in terms of experience lol). I have a great relationship with my Children. We enjoy each other's company and they always want me around... feeling and seeing that, I am so fulfilled. 


We don't fight so much anymore. I am so happy that right now we enjoy each other's company more. We goof around and we help each other in times of trouble. I don't just have a lover but I also have a best friend. I am thankful that he did his best to save our relationship. I was really willing and ready to let him go cuz he just can't contain all the senseless jealousy and I got really tired. When 2018 came, he really worked hard to get over himself. Sometimes there are bits of jealousy but it's no longer as worse. We're just happy having each other. We got plans and I know we're headed there. Security is not really a question right now cuz he already laid down the cards. We just need some more time to make sure we're ready. As you may already know we have kids and we, of course, want the best for them. We don't want to rush things and put the kids' welfare at risk. In terms of our relationship, we're happy and contented as we are anyways so we'll just have to be patient and take the necessary steps to be successful together. 


I don't really have a lot. LOL.
I am a really sociable person but I keep my circle small but genuine. I still hang out with my forever best friends- Shanice, Cha, and Philip. We don't really get to hang out as often as we did before but our love for each other is intact and strong as ever. We normally enjoy chatting in our GC with our green jokes (of course!). We may not really see each other as often but we know when times get rough we're there for each other.

My childhood friends are also most likely going to be my friends forever. I am so thankful for them. They're family.

I've also rekindled my friendship with Lj. We didn't need to go through the details but I think we just forgave each other and ourselves for whatever happened before. Forgiveness is not really just for the other person you had a conflict with but it's also for you- self love. 

I have a few 123 people as well that I often hang out with now that I'm back in the account. These people are free spirited and well-rounded. It's nice being around with those kinds of people, they spread positivity and happiness. 


Our family is still very loud. we loved going out, having dinner, swimming, long drives etc. It's really nice that we could do that. I am so thankful. We still piss each other off but we're still able to forgive each other. I think that's what family is about- you learn to love and accept people's different attitudes and personalities. Human as we are, we tend to lose our ground and yet since we are family, we accept and move forward with love in our hearts. I wouldn't have gone this far if it wasn't for my family. I will forever cherish that in my heart.

Thank you, Lord God for a great year. As we bid 2018 goodbye, I pray for your blessings and guidance in the coming year. I pray that you protect us from calamities and danger, protect us from Evil and Evildoers. Let your light be on our road to success Lord. We will rejoice and glorify you as we celebrate our victory in this life Lord. Amen.

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