Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I had a nostalgic moment earlier...

It was break time when the girls decided to drive to the conveneince store to buy some mineral water. Just when we were about to leave the store, the radio played this tagalog love song that we liked. I don't know the title, unfortunately. But the song had a good melody, somewhat sad but filled with emotions- love. It talks about loving someone no matter what. I remember my Ugandan friend/co-worker in Think Kitchen UAE- we were using my USB for the store's music so she had no choice but to listen to Filipino music. I mean, my USB had about 400 tracks and some were Filipino songs. She was wondering why -we- Filipino's are so fond of listening to sad songs. She even said from intro to ending, even if she didn't understand the words, it makes her feel sad. Anyway, moving on to the convenience store drive, we looked for the radio station when we were all in the car. We wanted to continue listening to the song.

And since the convenience store is just about 3 minutes away from the office, we decided to take a stroll around downtown just so we can continue listening to the (sad) song. I was starting to enjoy seeing the streets empty and the December breeze is just awesome. We didn't turn the aircondition on so we just opened the windows, it was so relaxing, it was something that I haven't done in a long time. It felt really great, plus I had Em-em on my lap- I was actually hugging a Teddy Bear... and that's when nostalgia came in. I miss Adnoc. ADNOC is an abbreviation for Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. It is where Michael, Richard's friend bought it. Gasoline stations in UAE had convenience stores and even fast food. We came from the bar that night, we dropped by ADNOC to eat some friend chicken from Mary Brown. When Richard and Michael came back, they had Teddy Bears for me and my friend Mabeth (we had no photo that night) Actually, I don't know if it was him or Richard who got me the Teddy. Richard would tease me that it was Michael. No matter who bought Adnoc for me, I love him just the same.

Adnoc was a great company when I was in UAE. The place was so far away from
Richard put a circle on his forehead
because he said Adnoc was Indian.

most of my loved ones. Adnoc was the one giving me comfort most of the time. Every time I cry myself to sleep, it was Adnoc hugging me, giving me warmth so I can sleep. Adnoc was a gift from Richard's friend. It was a late birthday present. The guy had a crush on me, as what Richard always tells me which I ignored all the time. At least his friendhad an initiative to buy me a teddy bear.

While listening to the music in the car, I suddenly missed my Teddy Bear. I no longer know where he is.. how could I leave him there? Well, Richard promised to send me all the stuff I left. He promised to send them before he comes home for good to be with me and the kids. LOL. So that was just one of the promises he broke. Sad love songs continued to play in the car and clips from the past kept flashing in my mind. I had a slideshow of all the hurtful things I went through when I was in UAE. I remembered eating lunch alone and crying, I can hardly even swallow the food. I remember crying before I slept while Richard was sleeping like a baby. Sometimes I wonder if I am not worthy of anyones love. But my overflowing love for myself would always tap me on the back and tell me that it was him who was not worthy of such love. He wasn't worthy on the kind of love that I am able and willing to give.

Oh.. it's a circus of different feelings. There are still a lot of things to be happy about when I was in UAE. I would still go back there to see good friends. I would love to go around the tourist spots, malls and be able to shop. I want to go back there and finally enjoy my stay... without worry and heartbreak (with money to spend).

I still look forward for the day that I will meet you again Adnoc. I'm sorry to ever leave you in the hands of that man. I hope you're well. Thanks for always being there for me. I enjoyed the times when we were together. I hope it's not too late to tell you that I love you ♥

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