Tuesday, March 3, 2020


- A poem for Freda's activity and a tribute to happy friend :)

Happiness, are you really that hard to get? Not quite I bet!

Life isn't perfect but it is beautiful,
Just learn to appreciate
and your blessings will be plentiful

To others, do not think or speak ill
because that is a huge gap you'll need to fill
Not for others but for your soul,
you must reflect and not neglect

Be yourself, don't be afraid
The more you are real,
the more loved you will truly feel

Always hold unto your faith
because it will determine your fate
Remember that God is love
and love is happiness

With that being said,
Let's cheers to our success!

Monday, January 27, 2020

2020 ...What's in store?

...What now? A lot happened since 2020 came. It's just January but it feels like it's been too long. Honestly, it started off with a lot of tragedies- calamities and deaths. It's scary. Why is this starting like this? I want to stay positive despite everything that's been happening. I want to think that 2020's giving it all in January and the rest of the year would just be awesome. (Oh, yes, God please)

Optimistic. Yes, that's what I want to be in 2020 and in the coming years. I know that life isn't perfect. I have accepted that a long time ago. No matter how imperfect things could get, God has always shown the light. I am not alone. God is good- good to me (and my family).

Faithful. That is what I have always been. I don't think I would come this far if not because of my faith in God, my faith in myself, my family and the people around me. I know God and the people around me are just as faithful. 

Blessed and thankful. There is no other way but to lift everything up to God. I know this, that's why I know I am blessed and because of that, I am thankful and grateful for everything I have in my life and in where I'm at right now.

Happy. Happiness is broad. I know it's sometimes easier said than "felt". But I am telling you, it's not that hard. It starts with acceptance- and that's where most of us fall short. Acceptance is not an easy pill to swallow. Truth hurts, but humility is the cure. I believe that if you are humble enough, you are ready to accept things as they are. That way you can genuinely be happy within your very being. It may be a different case for some people, but that's me- that's what I do.

Prepared. A lot of people may or may not know but I have been through A LOT in my life. I have fallen many many times that I even lost count of it, but guess what I have stood up many many more than I could ever count as well. It's true that in whatever comes your way, you can never be prepared enough but at least in knowing that challenges might come my way- I am prepared. 

Loving.  Without love, I wouldn't call it a life. Love never fails. If it does, it isn't loving. True enough. It's self-explanatory. If you love someone you always want to be better for that person, you always want to give your best. Therefore, everything around you becomes better as well. Keep on loving even with the possibility of getting hurt over and over again. It's worth it.

2020 is just starting... with faith and prayers in our hearts I know we'll get through whatever may come. If you desire good things, good things will come your way.

To my kids, let's get it on boyz :)