Thursday, February 9, 2017

Valentine's Story First Edition

Although a lot of people see me as someone “OA” or “Pabebe”, I get really uncomfortable on sweet mushy things. I’m not big on Valentine's, Anniversaries and I’ve never celebrated a Monthsary (LOL!). Although my ex (the father of my children) always remembers our “Monthsary” and he always gives me chocolates or flowers. Sometimes I forget about it and when it happens, I would pretend as if I was testing if he remembered (LOL!). There goes one of my deepest darkest secrets, it no longer matters anyway. Hahaha!

But this time is different. I guess F. Scott Fitzgelad was right when he said- 

There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice

Earlier today as I was wrapping up lunch, he bought some candies as usual and waited for me to finish so we can head back to work. He handed me one of the candies and just like a child he asked me to read the note at the back of the candy wrapper first. I obediently read the note and it just made my entire day, month or even year happier!

I couldn't take a more decent pic. I took a bunch but I couldn't find the right angle. I got tired trying. LOL!

I guess it’s early Valentine's for your Lola! I still blush and giggle (from the inside) each time I remember. These sweet nothings have such a great impact on me! It's a really nice feeling. I mean, it's nice to know that he reads the notes at the back of the candy (LOL) and thought about me. Awww sweetness. 

I don't really go out on Valentine's day because I think it's too crowded and it stresses me a lot. So, I either go out before or after it. Last weekend we went for a massage and Ventosa. It was such a great Valentine's treat! Thank you!

Sinimplehan lang namin Bes!