Thursday, March 17, 2016

She's Knows.... She's Stupid

"I have a lot of shortcomings, I know. But I can't give you anything more. This is the only kind of relationship I could give you. So, if you find someone new  or someone better, I will not get mad. I will totally understand. Just tell me and don't lie to me." he said. 

Those words kept reechoing in her mind and heart. She kept asking "Why can't he do more? Am I not worthy? After all that we have been through, you're willing to just let me go like that, because you just don't want to do or give more? Why? Damn it, he's telling me (straight to my face) that -I AM NOT GOING TO FIGHT FOR YOU, CUZ YOU'RE JUST NOT WORTH IT GIRL." She felt her heart melt as if someone poured acid to it. 

It only took six sentences for him to break her heart. It tore everything that she believed they had. It pounded her dreams into pieces. ONLY SIX SENTENCES crushed her world. That's how he meant to her but he just doesn't see it, doesn't even give value to it. He just keeps on accusing her of things she was afraid to do because she knew it would mean losing him. But then again, it doesn't matter because she can go whenever she wants to- when she finds someone better. She's confused because to her he was everything- everything she ever wanted and admired. "Would there be someone really better?" She wondered deeply and secretly hoped there would be because she knew she didn't deserve any of that, she knows it by heart. 

Though she hopes that someone would come along to save her from loving someone who couldn't love her back the same way, she still wants him to change and appreciate her someday. She's beginning to get tired carrying such a heavy heart though. She knows it's stupid but she loves him.